Aug 9, 2007

Shopping for moving...

A fun yet frustrating process.

For now, I don't really have to get myself any furnishings. I have all I NEED or will very soon. Most of my furnishings I'm light on fall under.. nice to have as opposed to gotta have.

I'm all about getting a vacuum and a blender. I want a toaster oven, but I'm willing to wait on that for a little bit longer.

The frustrating part is having to re-buy all the cleaning agents. I hate to clean. I'm sure everyone does. Mostly though... I hate to clean because it means choking on the fumes of the products I have to clean with. Thus making me spend more time on cleaning than I'd like.. what with having to step out and breathe fresh air every few minutes.

Even some of the old stand-bys one can use to avoid those foul odors are just as bad. Vinegar, for example. I can and should use it mixed with water to clean my windows. And since one theme in my furnishings are glass tops, I'd get a lot of mileage out of such a change. Only problem is that I can no more tolerate the smell of vinegar, than I can the smell of say... Mr. Clean.

I guess the main difference is that the vinegar smell, while nauseating... isn't chemically vomit-inducing and likely not leaving traces of god knows what in my lungs. Plus, I'm not dumping chemicals down the drain when I'm done.

Any good tips on how to clean a bathroom without chemicals? Because that's probably where I use the strongest, most foul cleansers.

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