I kind of abandoned this blog in favor of my regular site. Devoting myself to setting that one up the way I wanted. Well... now I've done it and while I post to it, I already want to change it again. God, I'm fickle.
I started a new job in October and while I'm back to commuting hell again.. it's only a 25 minute train ride and probably 10-15 minutes of walking. So not too bad. but nothing will beat the 4 minute commute I used to have. However, this job is SO VERY worth the travel time.
I am considering moving again. Hah! Not to minimize my commute, though that'd be pretty nice if I could swing it. I just don't like my apartment anymore. Even though I've only been here since October. Any fixes that need doing take forever and a lot of botching on my part. While the inside of my apartment is nice.. the lobby is pretty much disgusting. I notice that the building where the admin office is situated, is extremely well-maintained. I guess the rest of us are peons who don't deserve a clean lobby.
So yeah... moving again, but this time I will choose better and ask more and inspect things way more closely.
By the way...
Montreal is getting so much snow this Winter that I am starting to hate it. I want to break up with the snow. So very tired of it. Also... adding to the frustration... my favorite boots BROKE a week ago and I had to replace them. With GIRLY boots. My old one's were combat boots and I freaking ADORED those things.
They were warm, virtually slip-free on the ice, they looked scary (but in a good way.. and even when I was dressed up - a skirt with combat boots peeking out.. smokin' hot!) and they just all around rocked. I like their replacements (I couldn't wait around to find another pair of perfect combats).. girly as they are. The only feature my new boots don't have is that they aren't that warm.
Also.. my snappy pleather coat has a KEY button missing. It used to fall off all the time. I guess I pull on them too hard. I was always lucky enough to not lose the buttons when I pulled them off, but this past week (the boots and my coat were in cahoots, damnit!) I lost the button in a deep pile of snow.. UNDER A TRAIN! Grrr.
I cannot find a suitable replacement either.
I'm glad you're back! Is that a new picture? New hairstyle? I LOVE IT!