Ever feel cursed?
I do all the time. I'll get some good news or some sort of good luck for a little and then suddenly something bad happens or something that - while it doesn't really relate at all to the previous good luck or good news - it does bring me all sorts of hassle and annoyance.
This is the story of my life.
Semi-recent example:
This time last year I was 4 days into my new living in a new apartment in LaSalle. I had also just started my current job on this day, a year ago AND I also had a bit of savings started.
Things were really swimming upstream.
Sept 19th. One month and one week later... my new apartment building is partially gutted by a fire.
My choices are to camp out with family for the 5 or 6 months it took to get the building renovated and then move back into the place or ask to be let out of the lease and take this opportunity (borne first from fear of the fire - going back in the apt - and then from my horrendous commute) to move closer to my office.
I chose get out of my lease and move near work. Which meant that I paid for a move twice in just over a month. Bye bye savings!
So I get good stuff sometimes.. I even get to keep the good stuff more or less... but I never EVER get good stuff without a nice huge dose of bad stuff. Which means, I never EVER get to enjoy the good for very long before something happens.
I know the balance of good and bad is supposed to be equal... but from where I sit... it doesn't seem to be.
Maybe this comment is wholly unnecessary... but this week is:
Shittiest. Week. EVER!
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